Event details
Founders' Day: How do I start my own business?
Start date
07/17/2024 - 2:00 PM
End date
07/17/2024 - 6:00 PM
Katja Reichert
The successful establishment of an independent business depends on many factors. A good idea, entrepreneurial qualities and a well thought-out concept are essential prerequisites for a secure business start-up.
The founding concept
- The founder as the driving force behind the company
- The right location
- Absorbent markets, customers and competition
- Profitability - sales, costs and profits
- Liquidity - capital at the right time
Public financial assistance
- Subsidy programs - grants, loans, guarantees
- Eligibility requirements
- The right combination of subsidies
Legal forms
- Corporate legal form - spoiled for choice
- The right company name
- Liability - limited or unlimited
Legal obligations of the business founder
- Requirements and permits
- Formalities - the registration process
- Freelance or commercial
Registration for the workshop and the contact persons for further information can be found here.