Event details

Founders' Day: How do I start my own business?

Start date
07/17/2024 - 2:00 PM
End date
07/17/2024 - 6:00 PM
Katja Reichert
If you want to become self-employed, you have to expect your life to change in many ways. They work more, have less free time and, at least in the initial phase, less money for their private needs, and bear more responsibility and more risk.

The successful establishment of an independent business depends on many factors. A good idea, entrepreneurial qualities and a well thought-out concept are essential prerequisites for a secure business start-up.



The founding concept

  • The founder as the driving force behind the company
  • The right location
  • Absorbent markets, customers and competition
  • Profitability - sales, costs and profits
  • Liquidity - capital at the right time


Public financial assistance

  • Subsidy programs - grants, loans, guarantees
  • Eligibility requirements
  • The right combination of subsidies


Legal forms

  • Corporate legal form - spoiled for choice
  • The right company name
  • Liability - limited or unlimited


Legal obligations of the business founder

  • Requirements and permits
  • Formalities - the registration process
  • Freelance or commercial


Registration for the workshop and the contact persons for further information can be found here.