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FLIGHT Application
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FLIGHT Programme
to application form
Application Form FLIGHT
First name and surname
E-mail adress
Telephone number
LinkedIn profile (optional)
Contact information of participating team members (if applicable)
Please add the names and email addresses of all team members who will be participating in the FLIGHT programme.
Which target group of the programme are you applying for?
Person(s) with a business idea
Companies that want to start a spin-off project
Owners of traditional businesses
Title of business idea
Website (if available)
Description of the business idea (max. 3 sentences)
What is the idea? What problem is being solved? Who is the target group?
Why are you working on this idea? (max. 3 sentences)
What motivates you?
How did you hear about the FLIGHT programme?
Why do you want to take part in the FLIGHT programme? (max. 3 sentences)
What specific goals do you have? How will the programme help you to achieve these goals?
Is there anything else we should know about you or your business idea?
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