Find your individual contact person for every topic.

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Offers and contact points for you
Do you have a business idea or already have a startup and want to take it to the next level? Here you will find the right support for you!
For Startups
Are you a pupil, student or representative at a college, university or other research institution? Here you will find relevant contact points for you!

Are you a representative of an established company or organization and would like to benefit from working with innovative startups and our ecosystem? Go this way!
For Businesses
The most important players, organizations and initiatives in the Schweinfurt startup region
The Founders AllianceZwoSieben
Technology Accelerator
Our Accelerator program took its maiden flight in March 2023. Technology-oriented startups and solo founders have the chance to receive individual coaching, first-class mentoring and access to a great network. Let's get your ideas fly together!
More InformationUpcoming Events
Attend exciting events on the topic of startups and innovation in the region of Schweinfurt and around,
be inspired and enrich your own network with relevant contacts.
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